Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Hair Covering, The Super Bowl, and Kosher Pizza

Student:  Why do you always wear that bandana on your head?

Me: Because I like it. 

Student: Have you always done that?

Me: No. I started after I got married. 

Student: Okay, that sounds really bad. You got married and now no one can see your hair?

Alright, I clearly need to work on a better explanation for students as to why I cover my hair! Suggestions, anyone?!

That same student also asked me how long my hair is because I have a really big bump under my hat!
As you can see, work continues to be an ongoing discussion about why I cover my hair, complete with hilarious questions and comments!

And I continue to be so thankful about the people I work with. My husband and I decided to go to one of my co-worker’s house to watch the Super Bowl. The week before the game, my coworker asked me what food he can provide that is kosher. He asked if chips are kosher, and I told him a lot of them are. He then said, “Oh yeah! I just have to look for the special symbol!”

As the week went on, a teacher who was also going to be at the party said he was going to bring a beef brisket. He said that he was going to bring pork chops, but he knew that my husband and I were going to be there. Since we’re Jewish, he knew that Jewish people can’t eat pork. I was so touched that he went the extra effort and was thinking about us. I then had to explain that we also can’t eat the beef brisket because the particular beef brisket isn’t kosher. 

My husband and I picked up some kosher pizza on the way to the party, and it was a huge hit! People kept asking us where we got it from. We happily told them that we got it from a kosher pizza shop near our place.

Yesterday, I came into work and the secretary said to me, “I made you a scone, but I’m not sure if you can eat it. I’m not sure how to ask you this, but is it kosher?” I thanked her so much for thinking of me, but explained that I couldn’t eat it.

Yes, it’s sometimes awkward having to decline food that people have made for me and to explain why I can’t eat certain things. But I feel so blessed to have my connection to G-d and my religion to help me do it!

Oh, and I thought that a picture of my stress ball and random toy collection that I have for my students to use would be appropriate for this post since I have a football stress ball and I talked about the Super Bowl! Thanks to my friend who gave me the football stress ball! I’m sure some other people will recognize other random things that they gave me or bought with me. I love my random collection!

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