Friday, December 19, 2014

If You Can't Grow It, Sew It!

Surprise! I’m not the only person who covers my hair at work! I was doing a classroom observation in an English class last week, and a student was reading his poetry to the class. He started to read the poem, which began “If you can’t grow it, sew it…” Yep, he wrote a poem about hair weaves! Unfortunately, that’s the only part of the poem I can remember because me and the rest of the class were laughing very hard through the rest of it! So, yes, a lot of students, teachers, and staff at my school wear weaves in their hair. Granted, I cover my hair for religious reasons and I believe weaves are more for fashion reasons, but there’s something humorous about sitting in an IEP (Individual Education Plan) meeting with a mother also covering her hair!

And, surprise! I’m also not the only person who wears skirts every day. I noticed a teacher who also wears skirts, so I finally asked her about it one day. Her response was beautiful. She said that once her kids became teenagers, she realized that she wanted to be a good role model for them and she began wearing skirts and dressing more modestly. She then asked me why I wear skits, and I explained that I’m Jewish and it’s part of being modest. She asked if I’m Orthodox, and when I said that I am, she told me that she really respects that.

Today is the last day of work before Winter Break! I remember loving this day when I was in middle and high school. Everyone is in such a great mood! And I still love this day! My co-workers got me such thoughtful gifts! HATS! How perfect is that?! And CHOCOLATE...they even made sure it was kosher! And I've wanted a plant in my office for awhile, so the transition specialist surprised me with one! I hope I don't kill it...

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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