Friday, December 19, 2014

If You Can't Grow It, Sew It!

Surprise! I’m not the only person who covers my hair at work! I was doing a classroom observation in an English class last week, and a student was reading his poetry to the class. He started to read the poem, which began “If you can’t grow it, sew it…” Yep, he wrote a poem about hair weaves! Unfortunately, that’s the only part of the poem I can remember because me and the rest of the class were laughing very hard through the rest of it! So, yes, a lot of students, teachers, and staff at my school wear weaves in their hair. Granted, I cover my hair for religious reasons and I believe weaves are more for fashion reasons, but there’s something humorous about sitting in an IEP (Individual Education Plan) meeting with a mother also covering her hair!

And, surprise! I’m also not the only person who wears skirts every day. I noticed a teacher who also wears skirts, so I finally asked her about it one day. Her response was beautiful. She said that once her kids became teenagers, she realized that she wanted to be a good role model for them and she began wearing skirts and dressing more modestly. She then asked me why I wear skits, and I explained that I’m Jewish and it’s part of being modest. She asked if I’m Orthodox, and when I said that I am, she told me that she really respects that.

Today is the last day of work before Winter Break! I remember loving this day when I was in middle and high school. Everyone is in such a great mood! And I still love this day! My co-workers got me such thoughtful gifts! HATS! How perfect is that?! And CHOCOLATE...they even made sure it was kosher! And I've wanted a plant in my office for awhile, so the transition specialist surprised me with one! I hope I don't kill it...

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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Friday, October 24, 2014

Change Is The Only Constant

Change is hard for me. Some people like it. Not me. So, when I found out over the summer that I was being assigned to a new high school for this school year, I was not happy. If you remember my previous blog posts (I know, I know, it’s been awhile…thanks to all the people who encouraged me to post again!), I LOVED the last last high school where I worked.

Fast forward a few months to today, when I’ve been at my school for a few months, and I LOVE it here, too. I’ve met a new group of amazing coworkers. We have lunch breaks filled with laughter, and we’re even going to start walking during our breaks (finding time to exercise with a 70 mile commute to work is challenging!) Plus, I still keep in touch with the wonderful people I worked with at my last school.

And, of course, with a new high school, comes new people filled with new questions and comments about my hair covering. Here’s a recent one.

Student: “You always wrap your hair, huh?”
Me: “Yep”
Student: “To keep it warm?”
Me: “Yep, now keep working.”  (I was in the middle of giving him a timed assessment, so I had to redirect him back to the task!)

I’ve realized that there really is a lot of change in our lives, and how much the word “change” is used:

Driving to work today stuck behind a slow car, I think, “That car needs to CHANGE to the slow lane!”

The Daylight Savings Time CHANGE coming up (Hopefully this helps with how dark it is when I leave at 6 am…it feels like the middle of the night!)

Another change in my life: I used to watch the sunsets over the ocean in college (perks of going to college on the beach, UCSB, represent!) Now I watch the sunrise over the desert on the way to work, like this one:

Common thread: G-d is behind all of these changes and knows what’s best for me. I reminded myself this when I found out about my school change, but it was still hard. Thank you, G-d, for giving me a reminder that everything really is for the best. And, when my next life change comes up, I’m going to read this blog post as a reminder to myself that this, too, is for the best!

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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Hair Covering, The Super Bowl, and Kosher Pizza

Student:  Why do you always wear that bandana on your head?

Me: Because I like it. 

Student: Have you always done that?

Me: No. I started after I got married. 

Student: Okay, that sounds really bad. You got married and now no one can see your hair?

Alright, I clearly need to work on a better explanation for students as to why I cover my hair! Suggestions, anyone?!

That same student also asked me how long my hair is because I have a really big bump under my hat!
As you can see, work continues to be an ongoing discussion about why I cover my hair, complete with hilarious questions and comments!

And I continue to be so thankful about the people I work with. My husband and I decided to go to one of my co-worker’s house to watch the Super Bowl. The week before the game, my coworker asked me what food he can provide that is kosher. He asked if chips are kosher, and I told him a lot of them are. He then said, “Oh yeah! I just have to look for the special symbol!”

As the week went on, a teacher who was also going to be at the party said he was going to bring a beef brisket. He said that he was going to bring pork chops, but he knew that my husband and I were going to be there. Since we’re Jewish, he knew that Jewish people can’t eat pork. I was so touched that he went the extra effort and was thinking about us. I then had to explain that we also can’t eat the beef brisket because the particular beef brisket isn’t kosher. 

My husband and I picked up some kosher pizza on the way to the party, and it was a huge hit! People kept asking us where we got it from. We happily told them that we got it from a kosher pizza shop near our place.

Yesterday, I came into work and the secretary said to me, “I made you a scone, but I’m not sure if you can eat it. I’m not sure how to ask you this, but is it kosher?” I thanked her so much for thinking of me, but explained that I couldn’t eat it.

Yes, it’s sometimes awkward having to decline food that people have made for me and to explain why I can’t eat certain things. But I feel so blessed to have my connection to G-d and my religion to help me do it!

Oh, and I thought that a picture of my stress ball and random toy collection that I have for my students to use would be appropriate for this post since I have a football stress ball and I talked about the Super Bowl! Thanks to my friend who gave me the football stress ball! I’m sure some other people will recognize other random things that they gave me or bought with me. I love my random collection!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Life Is Like A Fish Spa

Being back at work after being in Israel for two weeks is not easy! The trip was amazing, and it's been so fun sharing my experiences with  coworkers. Reflecting back on my two weeks in this beautiful country has led me to sum up a somewhat hilarious and random common thread to the trip: fish! Let me explain...

First encounter with fish was our delicious dinner in Tiberias. Look how yummy!

Next fish encounter: snorkeling in Eilat.  We saw so many beautiful fish and sea creatures! It was also a hilarious moment because the hair covering that I was wearing while snorkeling fell off, so I quickly dunked under the water to put it back on! I had unfortunately left the usual hair covering I wear when I go swimming in the hotel where we stayed in Tiberias, so I tried a new one that clearly did not work!

Fish encounter number three: Fish spa! I have never head of this, but apparently some of my friends have. What is a fish spa? You put your feet in a tank of fish, and the fish "clean" your feet by eating your dead skin. My initial reaction was, "That's SO gross! No way!" But, by the third time we saw it, we gave in and tried it. This is our feet in the fish spa:

And, in the end, our feet felt so smooth and nice! We were so happy we did it! Okay, corny alert! But I'm always looking for meanings of things in my life. So, from the fish spa, I learned: Life is like a fish spa. Sometimes we have to get our feet wet in order to see the rewards.

And, how appropriate that fish was the theme of our trip. In Judaism, it is customary to eat fish on Friday night for many reasons. One of my favorite reasons is because fish don't have eyelids, so they never close their eyes. This can be compared to G-d, whose eyes are always watching out for us.

Of course, I bought tons of new head coverings in Israel that I'm so excited about! One of my new favorites is a yellow hat that I'm especially excited to wear to work. Every Friday at work is school spirit day. I SO appreciate not having to think about what to wear to work on Fridays.  I just wear one of the school's shirts that I've bough from the student store, and I'm good to go! Since once of our school colors is yellow, the hat is perfect for my Friday outfit! 

There are definitely benefits to being back at work. It's good to see my students again. I'm very aware that some students come to see me to get out of being in class. I can tell when students are trying to stall going back to class. This week, a student asked me, "So, what are you doing for Chanukah next year?" I laughed, told him it is still almost a year away, and wrote him a pass back to class.

I will be the first to admit that change is hard for me. But, I'm going to try to internalize my lesson from the fish spa and get my feet wet!

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