Change is hard for me. Some people like it. Not me. So, when I found out over the summer that I was being assigned to a new high school for this school year, I was not happy. If you remember my previous blog posts (I know, I know, it’s been awhile…thanks to all the people who encouraged me to post again!), I LOVED the last last high school where I worked.
Fast forward a few months to today, when I’ve been at my
school for a few months, and I LOVE it here, too. I’ve met a new group of
amazing coworkers. We have lunch breaks filled with laughter, and we’re even
going to start walking during our breaks (finding time to exercise with a
70 mile commute to work is challenging!) Plus, I still keep in touch with the
wonderful people I worked with at my last school.
And, of course, with a new high school, comes new people
filled with new questions and comments about my hair covering. Here’s a recent
Student: “You always wrap your hair, huh?”
Me: “Yep”
Student: “To keep it warm?”
Me: “Yep, now keep working.” (I was in the middle of giving him a timed
assessment, so I had to redirect him back to the task!)
I’ve realized that there really is a lot of change in our
lives, and how much the word “change” is used:
Driving to work today stuck behind a slow car, I think, “That
car needs to CHANGE to the slow lane!”
The Daylight Savings Time CHANGE coming up (Hopefully this
helps with how dark it is when I leave at 6 am…it feels like the middle of the
Another change in my life: I used to watch the sunsets over
the ocean in college (perks of going to college on the beach, UCSB, represent!)
Now I watch the sunrise over the desert on the way to work, like this one:
Common thread: G-d is behind all of these changes and knows
what’s best for me. I reminded myself this when I found out about my school change,
but it was still hard. Thank you, G-d, for giving me a reminder that everything
really is for the best. And, when my next life change comes up, I’m going to
read this blog post as a reminder to myself that this, too, is for the best!
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